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 Totals Display


In the planning table, you can change the occupied time display to a quantity load display. This means that you can display the load, the available capacity and the capacity requirements of the production line according to either time or quantities.


You must maintain the production rate / takt time for the complete production line.


In Sequencing, the planned orders are scheduled automatically using the production rates and number of takts maintained in the line hierarchy determining the amount of time occupied as a percentage, the time still available (that is the maximum time the production line works) and the time already occupied by existing orders.

You can use the totals display to change from a time-based display to a quantity-based display. Then you see:

  • The load as a percentage.

  • In the available quantity row, you see the maximum quantity that can be produced on the production line.

  • In the quantity still available row, you see the production quantity already planned.

You can also switch between the views "reserved" and "free". If you choose the view "free", you can check how much time you still have left or how many pieces you can still produce.


To change the capacity data display from a time to a quantity-based display, start from the planning table and choose Start of the navigation path Sequencing Next navigation step Totals display Next navigation step Quantity-based display. End of the navigation path

To reverse this setting, choose Start of the navigation path Sequencing Next navigation step Totals display Next navigation step Time-based display. End of the navigation path

If you want to check how much capacity is still free, choose Start of the navigation path Sequencing Next navigation step Totals display Next navigation step Switch: reserved / free. End of the navigation path