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Object documentation Latest Starting Date (LSD) Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


The latest starting date (LSD) is the latest time by which execution of a warehouse order (WO) should commence, so that it is completed by the due date.                                                                                                                

The LSD for each warehouse task (WT) of a WO is calculated as follows:

LSD = WO due date - (planned execution duration + planned movements duration)

     The due date is taken from one of the following:

     The picking completion date in the WT

     If there is no picking completion date in the WT, the planned goods issue date in the warehouse request (WR)

     The planned execution duration is taken from the WO

     The planned movements duration is equal to distance/velocity. The following rules apply here:

     Distance is calculated according to the bins’ coordinates, using the manhattan metric

Velocity is the lowest horizontal velocity from all resource types that are qualified to execute the WT


The system calculates the LSD of a WO by:


       1.      Calculating the LSD of each WT as described above

       2.      Taking the worst-case scenario LSD (that is, the earliest LSD)

Rounding down this LSD according to the rounding time interval of the relevant mode (that is, the mode of the first WT in the WT sequence)

The LSD is one of the factors that influence WO selection. For more information, see Warehouse Order Selection.




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