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Configuring Key Store SettingsLocate this document in the navigation structure

Edit the key store settings for the cluster. The SAP ESP cluster key store is a repository of security certificates for accessing Event Stream Processor.


  • Your user account has the required read and admin permissions in ESP.


  1. Select the EXPLORE workset.
  2. Select ESP Nodes, then select Start of the navigation path Actions Next navigation step Configure Cluster End of the navigation path.
  3. Expand the Security folder and select Key Store.
  4. Edit the Key Store settings:
    Name Description / Default Value
    Key Store Type JKS
    Key Store Algorithm Type RSA
    Key Store File Location Sets the filepath to the location of the key store file. For example, set it to $(STREAMING_SHARED)/security/keystore_rsa.jks.

    The default filepath is ${STREAMING_CLUSTER_KEYSTORE}

    Key Store Password Specifies the password.
    1. Enable or disable the Encryption option by clicking the check-box.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. Restart all running nodes for any changes to take effect.