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Configuring AttributesLocate this document in the navigation structure

Edit cluster-wide attributes, including Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), application heartbeat interval, multicast manager, and cluster persistence.


  • Your user account has the required read and admin permissions in ESP.


  1. Select the EXPLORE workset.
  2. Select ESP Nodes, then select Start of the navigation path Actions Next navigation step Configure Cluster End of the navigation path.
  3. Select the Attributes tab to edit the settings for the cluster:
    Attribute Description
    SSL Specifies whether the connection uses SSL.
    Application Heartbeat Interval Specifies the time, in milliseconds, between a node's heartbeat checks of a project for ESP.
    Multicast Manager Specifies whether this cluster uses multicast. If this option is not selected, nodes use direct connections.
    Multicast Group (If Multicast Manager is enabled) Specifies the multicast group.
    Multicast Port (If Multicast Manager is enabled) Specifies the multicast port.
    Cluster Persistence Specifies whether this cluster uses persistence.
    Persistence Type (If Cluster Persistence is enabled) Specifies the persistence type. Valid options are directory and database.
    Persistence Directory (If Cluster Persistence is enabled) Specifies the path to the persistence directory.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Restart all running nodes for any changes to take effect.