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Configuring High Availability Project SettingsLocate this document in the navigation structure

Edit, remove, and update properties for the High Availability (HA) project application type, with definitions for the base directory, host name, library directory, and security directory that the application uses.


  • Your user account has the required read and admin permissions in ESP.


  1. Select the EXPLORE workset.
  2. Select ESP Nodes, then select Start of the navigation path Actions Next navigation step Configure Cluster End of the navigation path.
  3. Expand the Applications folder and select ha_project.
    • (Optional) To add a property, click Add Property.
    • (Optional) To remove a property, select the property name and click Remove Property.
  4. Edit the property values.
    Property Default Value
    base-directory ${STREAMING_SHARED}/cluster/projects/${STREAMING_CLUSTER_NAME}
    hostname ${STREAMING_HOSTNAME}
    id-preload ${STREAMING_HOME}/lib/
    ssl-key-file ${STREAMING_HOME}/cluster/keys/${STREAMING_CLUSTER_NAME}
    ssl-key-file-encrypted true
    streaming-home ${STREAMING_HOME}
  5. Enable or disable Standard Stream Logging by clicking the check-box.

    A running project might attempt to write to the console, but the output is not visible because that operation runs in the background. When standard stream logging is enabled, the output is written to the project working directory, which defaults to <user-home-directory>/SybaseESP/5.1/workspace/<workspace-name>.<project-name>.<instance-number>. The standard stream logging output file is stdstreams.log. When standard stream logging is disabled, no output is written to the project working directory.

    Note stdstreams.log receives all output written to stdout and stderr. This includes SySAM licensing information for Event Stream Processor, as well as messages from third party applications that write to stdout and stderr. For more information, see Project Logging
  6. Click Apply.
  7. Restart all running nodes for any changes to take effect.

    For more information, see High Availability.