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Using the Cluster Configuration ExampleLocate this document in the navigation structure

Deploy the example cluster configuration file cluster_example.xml to the cluster database and start the node.


  1. Start the cluster database by running the following command, providing your own values for the parameters in brackets.
    dbsrv16 -n <server-name> <database-file>
    • <server-name> is the name of your choice for the database server.
    • <database-file> is the name of the database file.
    For example:
    dbsrv16 -n cluster_example_myhost cluster_example.db
    This starts the database with a server name of cluster_example_myhost.
  2. Modify the cluster bootstrap file cluster_example.cfg to provide database and cluster-related information.
    The following information is required:
    • jdbc-username - the database user name
    • jdbc-password - the database password
    • cluster-name - name of the cluster name
    • cluster-password - cluster password
    If the database is not running on the default port (2638), or on the local cluster, also modify the jdbc-url property by replacing the host and/or port value.
  3. Change the default user password in the cluster configuration file cluster_example.xml. In the <Security> element, change the password option of the PreConfiguredUserLoginModule authenticator provider.
    1. To generate a password value in encoded form for this field, use the following command:
      $STREAMING_HOME/bin/streamingclusteradmin --encode_text
      Please enter text to be encoded:
      Please re-enter text to be encoded:
    2. Then transfer the encoded value to cluster_example.xml.
      <Option name="password">{SHA-256:jvaPGO32Jjs=}8ALhhaxfCXD/5Jpkb/p9fT0F4uNomLZWA5gNjO56Hh8=</Option>
  4. (Optional) To configure cluster nodes for remote access, set the <STREAMING_HOSTNAME> macro for one or more nodes in the cluster configuration file to a hostname or IP address. For example:
    <Macro type="value" name="STREAMING_HOSTNAME"></Macro>
  5. Deploy the modified cluster configuration file to the database by running the following command:
    $STREAMING_HOME/bin/streamingclusternode --config cluster_example.cfg --deploy --config-type file --file cluster_example.xml
  6. Start the cluster node by running the start_node script located in the cluster/examples directory. You can specify the node to start by using the node name as the first argument for the start_node script. For example:
    $STREAMING_HOME/cluster/examples/start_node node1
    The properties defined in the cluster_example.cfg bootstrap file are used when starting the node. In the cluster_example.xml file, there are four nodes defined: node1, node2, node3, and node4.