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Adapter Toolkit: Sample cnxml File for Input AdaptersLocate this document in the navigation structure

Adapter type: toolkit_input. Sample cnxml file for an input adapter created using the adapter toolkit. You can use this file as reference for creating your own cnxml file for your custom adapter.

This file is located in the $STREAMING_HOME/lib/adapters directory. Cnxml files are required if you want to manage your custom external adapter using the ESP Server. Set these properties in the Studio adapter properties dialog.

Property Label Description
Adapter Configuration File

Property ID: configFilePath

Type: filename

(Required) Specify the path to the adapter configuration file.

If you use the CCL ATTACH ADAPTER statement to attach an adapter, you must supply the adapter type. If you use the ATTACH ADAPTER statement with the PROPERTIES clause to override parameter values in the adapter configuration file, you need to add the following to the adapter cnxml file:

Include the PropertySet parameter.
<Parameter id="propertyset" 
  descr="to look up properties in project configuration" 
  default=" &quot;/> 

Pass the parameter-value pair as Java System Property format.

<Internal id="x_unixCmdExec" 
  label="Execute Command" 
  default="&quot;$STREAMING_HOME/adapters/framework/bin/; &quot;…/adapter_config.xml&quot; &quot;-DSNMPV1TrapOutputTransporterParameters.Host =$HostParameter&quot; …&quot; 

<Internal id="x_winCmdExec " 
  label="Execute Command" 
  default="&quot;$STREAMING_HOME/adapters/framework/bin/start.bat&quot; &quot;…/adapter_config.xml&quot; &quot;-DSNMPV1TrapOutputTransporterParameters.Host =$HostParameter&quot; …&quot;