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Verify Deployment SuccessLocate this document in the navigation structure

Use this REST request to verify whether a ESP project will succeed when deployed to a cluster. The workspace to which you are deploying the project must exist and the cluster to which you wish to deploy the project must be running. This REST request is a POST type request.

Table 1: Connection Details
Element Description

(Optional) Specify a default cluster for the REST server to which you are connecting. This element contains the credentialselement below. If you specify this element, the workspace name specified in the URI is ignored.

Specify either this element or the connectionDetails element. If you specify both elements, you will receive an error.

credentials (Optional) Specify a value based on the type of authentication the ESP Server is using.
  • for username and password authentication, specify username:password values.
  • for RSA authentication, specify keystore:user:password values. For the keystore value, only specify the keystore file name. Do not specify a file path. If you are using Windows, surround the file name in single quotation marks.
  • for Kerberos authentication, specify user:service:cache values. For the cache value, only specify the Kerberos cache file name. Do not specify a file path. If you are using Windows, surround the file name in single quotation marks.

(Required only if defaultCluster is not specified) Element containing clusterName, port, and authentication details below.

Specify either this element or the defaultCluster element. If you specify both elements, you will receive an error.


Type: string

(Required if no default is specified) The name of the cluster on which the project that you wish to update is running.


Type: integer

(Required) Specify the port on which the cluster is running.


(Required) Element containing authentication details (type, data, and sslEnabled).


Type: string

(Required) Specify the type of authentication the ESP Server is using. Valid values are user, RSA, and Kerberos.


Type: string

(Required) Specify a value based on the type of authentication you specified in the type element. For example,
  • for user, specify username:password values
  • for rsa, specify keystore:user:password values. For the keystore value, enter the keystore file name. Do not specify a file path. If you are using Windows, surround the file name in single quotation marks.
  • for kerberos, specify user:service:cache values. For the cache value, enter the Kerberos cache file name. Do not specify a file path. If you are using Windows, surround the file name in single quotation marks.

Type: boolean

(Required) Specify whether SSL is enabled on the cluster on which the project is running. The default value is false.

Table 2: Content Elements
Element Description

(Required) Element containing content details for the REST request.

cclContent (Required) Include the CCL for your project. This is the same content specified in your project CCL file. For example, the format is
"cclContent":"CREATE INPUT WINDOW <windowname> 
SCHEMA ( <yourwindowschema>);"
(Optional) Include the content of your CCR project configuration file. For example, the format is
"ccrContent": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
<Configuration xmlns=\"<autogenerateurl>
    <Project ha=\"<value>">
    <Options><Option name=\"ws-enabled\" value=\"<value>\"/></Options>

This element is ignored for this request.


(Optional) Specify additional CCL files and content that the main CCL file references. Do not specify absolute paths or use directory traversal for this element.

 "defaultCluster" : { "credentials" : "<username>:<password>" }
"content": {
"cclContent":"CREATE INPUT WINDOW InputWindow1 SCHEMA ( C_KEY integer , C_TIMESTAMP timestamp ) PRIMARY KEY ( C_KEY );"
    "connectionDetails": { 
        "clusterName": "<cluster name>", 
        "port":"<port number of cluster>", 
        "authentication": { 
            "type":"<auth type>", 
            "data":"<auth credentials>", 
            "sslEnabled":"<true or false>" 
"content": {
"cclContent":"CREATE INPUT WINDOW InputWindow1 SCHEMA ( C_KEY integer , C_TIMESTAMP timestamp ) PRIMARY KEY ( C_KEY );"