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SAP RFC Output Adapter ConfigurationLocate this document in the navigation structure

Configure the SAP RFC Output adapter by specifying values for the RFC Output transporter, the connector (EspSubscriber), and SAP Event Stream Processor.

XML Element Description

Type: string

(Optional) Specify a full path to the logging file you wish to use. The default value is STREAMING_HOME/adapters/framework/config/

XML Element Description

Type: string

(Optional) Specify a full path to the adapter.key encryption file you wish to use. The default value is $STREAMING_HOME/adapters/framework/adapter.key.

ESPConnector Module: ESP Subscriber

The ESP Subscriber module obtains data from the SAP Event Stream Processor project and passes it along to a transporter or formatter module.

XML Element Description

(Required) Element containing all information for this module. It contains a type attribute for specifying the module type.

For example, espconnector.


Type: string

(Required) Instance name of the specific module you want to use. For example, MyInputTransporter.


Type: string

(Required) Name of the module as defined in the modulesdefine.xml file. For example, <TransporterType>InputTransporter.


Type: string

(Required) Instance name of the module that follows this one.


Type: integer

(Advanced) Capacity of the buffer queue between this module and the next. The default value is 10240.

Parameters (Required) Element containing the EspSubscriberParameters element.

(Required) Element containing elements for the ESP subscriber.


Type: string

(Required if running adapter in standalone mode; optional if running in managed mode) Specifies the unique project tag of the ESP project to which the adapter is connected. For example, StreamingProject2.

This is the same project tag that you specify later in the adapter configuration file in the Name element within the Event Stream Processor (EspProjects) element.

If you are starting the adapter with the ESP project to which it is attached (running the adapter in managed mode), you do not need to set this element as the adapter automatically detects the project name.


Type: string

(Required if running adapter in standalone mode; optional if running in managed mode) Name of te stream from which the adapter subscribes to data.

If you are starting the adapter with the ESP project to which it is attached (running the adapter in managed mode), you do not need to set this element as the adapter automatically detects the stream name.


Type: boolean

(Advanced) If set to true, the adapter runs in guaranteed delivery (GD) mode and all GD-related parameters become required. Default value is false.


Type: string

(Advanced) Specifies column name in the Flex operator holding the GD key. The GD key is a constantly increasing value that uniquely identifies every event regardless of the opcode in the stream of interest. No default value.


Type: string

(Advanced) Specifies name of column in Flex operator holding opcode. The opcode is the operation code (for example, inserts, update, or delete) of the event occurring in the stream of interest. No default value.


Type: integer

(Advanced) Specifies number of records after which the control window must be updated with the latest GD key. Default value is 3.


Type: integer

(Advanced) Specifies number of records after which to purge the Flex operator. Default value is 1000.


Type: string

(Advanced) Specifies name of the control window in the GD setup. The control window is a source stream that informs the Flex operator of which data has been processed by the adapter and can be safely deleted. No default value.

Transporter Module: RFC Output Transporter

The RFC Output transporter maps data from ESP streams and windows to input elements when RFCs are invoked.

XML Element Description

(Required) Element containing all information for the transporter module. It contains a type attribute for specifying the module type. For example, transporter.


Type: string

(Required) Instance name of the specific module you want to use. For example, MyInputTransporter.


Type: string

(Required) Name of the module as defined in the modulesdefine.xml file. For example, <TransporterType>InputTransporter.


Type: integer

(Advanced) Capacity of the buffer queue between this module and the next. The default value is 10240.


(Required) Element containing the RFCOutputTraansporterParameters element.


(Required) Element containing the elements for the SAP RFC Output transporter.


Type: string

(Required) The host name of the SAP system to which the adapter is connected.


Type: string

(Required) The system number of the SAP system to which the adapter is connected.


Type: string

(Required) The SAP client number for connecting to an SAP server.


Type: string

(Required) The user name of the SAP system to which the adapter is connected.


Type: string

(Required) The password for the SAP system to which the adapter is connected. Includes an "encrypted" attribute indicating whether the Password value is encrypted.

If set to true, the password value is decrypted using the Keystore and KeystorePassword elements. Default value is false.


Type: string

(Optional) Specifies the location of a Java keystore file which contains the key used to encrypt or decrypt the password set in the Password element. If sandboxing is enabled, this file must reside in the <sandbox-base-directory>/adapters/<workspace-name> or $STREAMING_HOME/adapters/rfc directory or one of their subdirectories. If the file is in a different location, the adapter will not be able to successfully connect to Event Stream Processor.


Type: string

(Optional) Stores the password to the keystore file specified in the KeystorePassword element.


Type: nonNegativeInteger

(Required) The number of ESP rows that the adapter would batch up for submission on one RFC invocation.


(Required) Element containing the Function and Mapping elements.


Type: string

(Required) Specify an RFC you wish the adapter to execute.


Type: string

(Required for adapter operation and schema discovery) Specify the name of the mapping file.

SAP Event Stream Processor Elements

SAP Event Stream Processor elements configure communication between Event Stream Processor and the SAP RFC Output adapter.

XML Element Description

(Required) Element containing elements for connecting to Event Stream Processor.


(Required) Element containing the Name and Uri elements. Specifies information for the ESP project to which the adapter is connected.


Type: string

(Required) Specifies the unique project tag of the ESP project which the EspConnector (publisher/subscriber) module references.


Type: string

(Required) Specifies the total project URI to connect to the ESP project. For example, if you have SSL enabled, use esps://localhost:19011/ws1/p1.


(Required) Element containing all the authentication elements below. Specifies details for the authentication method used for Event Stream Processor.


Type: string

(Required) Specifies the user name required to log in to Event Stream Processor (see AuthType). No default value.


Type: string

(Required) Specifies the password required to log in to Event Stream Processor (see AuthType).

Includes an "encrypted" attribute indicating whether the Password value is encrypted. The default value is false. If set to true, the password value is decrypted using RSAKeyStore and RSAKeyStorePassword.


Type: string

(Required) Method used to authenticate to Event Stream Processor. Valid values are:
  • server_rsa - RSA authentication using keystore
  • kerberos - Kerberos authentication using ticket-based authentication
  • user_password - LDAP, SAP BI, and Native OS (user name/password) authentication

If the adapter is operated as a Studio plug-in, AuthType is overridden by the Authentication Mode Studio start-up parameter.


Type: string

(Dependent required) Specifies the location of the RSA keystore, and decrypts the password value. Required if AuthType is set to server_rsa, or the encrypted attribute for Password is set to true, or both.



(Dependent required) Specifies the keystore password, and decrypts the password value. Required if AuthType is set to server_rsa, or the encrypted attribute for Password is set to true, or both.


Type: string

(Dependent required) Specifies host name of Kerberos key distribution center. Required if AuthType is set to kerberos.


Type: string

(Dependent required) Specifies the Kerberos realm setting. Required if AuthType is set to kerberos.


Type: string

(Dependent required) Specifies the Kerberos principal name that identifies the Event Stream Processor cluster. Required if AuthType is set to kerberos.


Type: string

(Dependent required) Specifies the location of the Kerberos ticket cache file. Required if AuthType is set to kerberos.


Type: string

(Optional) Used when the encrypted attribute for Password is set to true. If left blank, RSA is used as default.