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Socket Event XML Output Adapter Studio PropertiesLocate this document in the navigation structure

Adapter type: toolkit_socket_xmllist_output. Set these properties for the Socket Event XML Output adapter in the ESP Studio adapter properties dialog. The Socket Event XML Output adapter uses SimpleDateFormat formatting codes.

If you use the CCL ATTACH ADAPTER statement to attach an adapter, you must supply the adapter type.

Property Label Description
SecondDate Format

Property ID: xmllistSecondDateFormat

Type: string

(Advanced) Specify the format for parsing SecondDate values.

For example, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss is the default value.

MsDate Format

Property ID: xmllistMsDateFormat

Type: string

(Advanced) Specify the format for parsing MsDate values.

For example, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS is the default value.

Time Format

Property ID: xmllistTimeFormat

Type: string

(Advanced) Specify the format for parsing time values.

For example, HH:mm:ss is the default value.

Charset Name

Property ID: charsetName

Type: string

(Advanced) Specify the name of a supported charset.


Property ID: host

Type: string

(Required) Server host name.


Property ID: port

Type: int

(Required) Server port. To read from the Ephemeral Port File, set to -1.

Ephemeral Port File

Property ID: epFile

Type: filename

(Advanced) File that will contain the server port number if Port is -1. If sandboxing is enabled, this file must reside in the <sandbox-base-directory>/adapters/<workspace-name> or $STREAMING_HOME/adapters/framework directory or one of their subdirectories. If the file is in a different location, the adapter will not be able to successfully connect to Event Stream Processor.

Retry Period (seconds)

Property ID: retryperiod

Type: uint

(Advanced) Period for trying to re-establish an outgoing connection.

Enable TCP keepalive

Property ID: keepAlive

Type: boolean

(Advanced) Enable TCP keepalive on the socket connection.


Property ID: propertyset

Type: string

(Advanced) Specifies the name of the property set. Property sets are reusable sets of properties that are stored in the project configuration file. Using these sets allows you to move adapter configuration properties out of the CCL file and into the CCR file. If you specify the same properties in the project configuration file and the ATTACH ADAPTER statement, the values in the property set override the values defined in the ATTACH ADAPTER statement. No default value.

Include Base Content

Property ID:outputBase

Type: boolean

(Optional) If set to true, the adapter outputs the initial stream contents in addition to stream updates.

If this option is enabled and the adapter is running in GD mode, once the adapter has done a GD commit on the entire base data, the ESP Server does not redeliver the base data on adapter restart and only sends deltas that are saved for delivery. The default value is false.

Only Base Content

Property ID: onlyBase

Type: boolean

(Advanced) Sends a one-time snapshot of initial contents in a stream. Default value is false. If set to true, outputBase automatically becomes true.