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Adapter Controller ParametersLocate this document in the navigation structure

The Adapter Control port listens for commands. The controller.xml file is located in %STREAMING_HOME%/adapters/framework/config directory. This file is shared among all the adapters within the %STREAMING_HOME%/adapters/framework/instances directory.

XML Element Description

(Required) Element containing the MinPort and MaxPort elements.


Type: int

(Required) The minimum port number that can act as a control port number. The adapter framework allocates this number automatically. A recommended value is 19082.


Type: int

(Optional) The maximum port number that can act as a control port number. The adapter framework allocates this number automatically. The default value is 65535.


Type: int

(Required) The interval, in milliseconds, that the adapter framework publishes statistics data to the ESP project to which the adapter is connected.

A recommended value is 5000.


Type: int

(Required) The interval, in milliseconds, that the adapter framework checks the status of internal resource allocation. The framework logs a message in the log file if a resource is about to be exhausted.

A recommended value is 3000.


Type: boolean

(Optional) Element that enables the default read and write directory feature that restricts access for adapters to read and write files. When set to true, only a toolkit adapter with File Input and Output transporters reads and writes files, and redirects files to the subfolder of the directory configured for AdapterSandboxBase. When set to false, the adapter behaves normally, and files are directed to the STREAMING_HOME directory. The default value is false.


Type: string

(Optional) The file path configured in the File Input or File Output transporter. For example, if AdapterSandboxBase is set to e:\restricted, and adapter_config.xml is configured to read file d:\data\input.csv, the read file action is redirected to e:\restricted\d\data\input.csv.