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Configuring the SAP Event Stream Processor SOAP ProviderLocate this document in the navigation structure

Use the wsp.xml and axis2.xml configuration files to configure the ESP SOAP Provider.


Install Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.7.x.


  1. In the %STREAMING_HOME%\wsp\wsp.xml file:
    Note When performing a custom installation of ESP, the installer sets cluster parameters in wsp.xml to the values provided during setup.
    1. Enable the ESP Web Services Providers by setting <webService enabled ="true">.
    2. Set the protocol and port number for the SOAP provider to which you are connecting the ESP SOAP Provider.
    3. Set cacheSize to the number of publishing transactions to make before comitting.
    4. (Optional) Edit the cluster information in the <DefaultCluster> section to avoid having to specify full connection details for the cluster each time you send a request. If you do not edit this section, the information for the cluster you created during the installation process is specified by default.
      Property Description

      (Required) Specify the name of the host on which the cluster resides.


      (Required) Specify the cluster's port number.


      (Required) Specify the workspace associated with the cluster. The default value is default.


      (Required) Specify the authentication type.Valid values are user, rsa, and kerberos.


      (Required) Specify whether SSL is enabled. Valid values are true or false.


      (Required) Specify the maximum number of socket connections (either publish or subscribe) to ESP to create for each project instance.

    5. If you are using HTTPS, specify the keystore type, file, and password in the <Security> section. If you are using HTTP, this section is ignored.
  2. Edit the thread pool configuration that Jetty uses by editing the values in the <threadPool> section:
    1. In the <minThreads> parameter, specify the minimum number of threads you want Jetty to spawn. The default value is 20.
    2. In the <maxThreads> parameter, specify the maximum number of threads that Jetty may spawn to service incoming connections. The default value is 500.
    3. In the <idleTimeout> parameter, specify the amount of time, in milliseconds, that a threads needs to idle before becoming eligible to be stopped. The default value is 30000.
  3. In your Web service client code, specify values for the authType and cred parameters. Valid values and syntax are:
    Authentication Type Parameters and Values
    Note For the keystore parameter, enter the full path to the keystore file. If you are using Windows, surround the file path in single quotation marks.
    Note For the Kerberos parameter, enter the full path to the Kerberos cache file. If you are using Windows, surround the file path in single quotation marks.

    See the %STREAMING_HOME%\examples\java\wspexample\src\com\sybase\esp\wsp\example\ file for an example of Web service client code.

  4. (If Kerberos authentication is enabled on the ESP Server) In the %STREAMING_HOME%\wsp\wsp.bat or $STREAMING_HOME/wsp/ script, add:<RealmName><ServerName> 
  5. In the %STREAMING_HOME%\wsp\webapps\axis2\WEB-INF\conf\axis2.xml file, set the HTTP and HTTPS listening ports for the SOAP server. For example:
    <transportReceiver name="http" class="org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServletListener">
                  <parameter name="port">9090</parameter>
    <transportReceiver name="https" class="org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServletListener"> 
                  <parameter name="port">9443</parameter> 

Next Steps

  • Ensure that the STREAMING_HOME environment variable is set. If it is not, set it to <Install_Dir>/ESP-5_1.
  • Use the wsp.bat or script in %STREAMING_HOME%\wsp to start the Jetty server (which initializes both SOAP and REST ports).
  • You can access the ESP SOAP Provider WSDL through http://<hostname>:<port>/espws/services/ESPWebService?wsdl.
  • To expose a project as a Web service using the ESP SOAP Provider, set the Web Service Enabled option in the project configuration (.ccr) file to true and stop and remove the project from the node, then redeploy (add) the project. You can also restart the cluster server instead of redeploying the project.