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 Partial Picking


The Warehouse Management system (WMS) offers you the following procedures for partial picking of stock from a storage unit managed (SU-managed) storage type with complete storage units (SUs).

  • Complete stock picks from SU-managed storage types

  • Complete Stock Pick With Return of Stock to the Same Bin

  • Complete stock pick using a pick point .


You execute a partial stock pick from an SU-managed storage type.

No Complete Stock Pick

You have not set the Full Stk rmvl reqmt act . for the storage type in the Customizing for Warehouse Management under Start of the navigation path Master Data Next navigation step Define Storage Type End of the navigation path .

Complete Stock Pick With Return of Stock to the Same Bin

In the Customizing for Warehouse Management under Start of the navigation path Master Data Next navigation step Define Storage Type End of the navigation path , you have made the following settings for the storage type, from which the stock removal is to take place.

  • The Full Stk rmvl reqmt act. indicator is set.

  • The Return stock to same storage bin indicator is set.

Complete Stock Pick Using a Pick Point.

You have defined a pick point. For more information, see Pick Point .

In the Customizing for Warehouse Management under Start of the navigation path Master Data Next navigation step Define Storage Type End of the navigation path , you have made the following settings for the storage type, from which the stock removal is to take place.

  • The Full Stk rmvl reqmt act. indicator is set.

  • The storage type is assigned to the corresponding pick point via the Assigned pick point stor. ty. field.


No Complete Stock Pick

You also allow partial quantities of the SU stock to be removed from this storage type

The SU remains in the same bin throughout the entire stock removal process. As soon as you save the transfer order for the partial pick, the system locks the partial quantity to be picked for the SU. However the remaining stock from the SU is still available for further picking with other transfer orders.

If you follow this procedure, you can process several transfer orders simultaneously, removing the material from an individual storage unit simultaneously.

Complete Removal Requirement with Return to Same Bin

You have defined the SU-managed storage type, from which the stock removal is to occur, as a storage type with stock pick requirement. You therefore remove the entire SU from stock in order to pick partial quantities of material stock of an SU. You then replace this SU with the remaining material stock as a partial SU into the same source storage bin in the SU-managed storage type, from which you removed the stock.

For the WMS, the SU remains in its storage bin for this kind of partial stock pick. The system does not map the temporary state, when the storage unit temporarily leaves the storage bin and then returns to the same storage bin.

As soon as you save a transfer order for removing a certain material quantity from the SU, the WMS locks this SU completely for stock removal based on other transfer orders or transfer order items.

Caution Caution

If you execute multiple processing in an SU-managed warehouse and you remove material from an SU, the system does not block the remaining material quantity for further stock removals via other transfer orders if these TOs belong to the same group.

End of the caution.

Complete Stock Pick Using a Pick Point

Firstly you remove a complete SU from the storage type for the partial pick and bring it to a specified point in the warehouse for picking (pick point). You execute the partial pick from the SU at the pick point. Following the pick, you replace the partial SU with the remaining material quantity into storage.

Note Note

If you have already defined your own WMS movement type for replacing partial SUs into storage, you can control the storage type into which the system is to replace partial SUs on the basis of the WMS movement type.

End of the note.