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 Transferring Postings of Batches


You use this procedure to transfer batches when the conversion factors for the issuing plant and the receiving plant are different.

This enables you to transfer offcuts that were posted to the batch during production, for example.


  1. Create a stock overview for the batch: Inventory Management screen, Start of the navigation path Environment Next navigation step Stock Next navigation step Stock overview. End of the navigation path

  2. Make a note of the stocks of the batch you want to transfer.

  3. Check whether other stocks are affected, for example, stocks belonging to the same batch in other storage locations or sales order stocks.

  4. Create a stock transfer item for the partial quantity that is to be transferred.

  5. Create a stock transfer item for the remaining quantity of the batch. For the remaining quantity, choose a receiving batch that has an identical conversion factor.

  6. Post the document.

    When posting the document, the system checks for errors after the decimal point in the stocks concerned.

    Example Example

    Transfer Postings of Remaining Quantities

    End of the example.




    Receiving Batch (Weight per Piece)

    Stock of issuing batch A before stock transfer

    2 pieces

    100 kg

    50 kg/piece

    Quantity to be transferred

    1 piece

    40 kg

    40 kg/piece

    E (40 kg/piece)

    Remaining quantity of batch A after stock transfer

    1 piece

    60 kg

    60 kg/piece

    F (60 kg/piece)