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 Quantities and Units of Measure in Combination by Operation


In combinations by operations, the basis unit of measure must agree for all the original orders. However, the production units of measure need not agree.

If they do not, the Select All switch is not available in the operation selection screen.

When you leave operation selection, the system checks every original order to ensure that operation units of measure agree in the operations being combined.

Caution Caution

If they do not, the system terminates the combination process.

You cannot use a planned basis unit of measure that differs from the basis unit of measure.

End of the caution.

The operation unit of measure must be maintained as an alternative unit of measure in the material master for the material to be produced for the template order/combined order. You can enter any conversion factor you like in the material master. The operation quantity for each operation is converted to the basis quantity, using the conversion factors for the operation, accumulated, and copied to the combined order.

Example of Permitted Unit of Measure Scenario

Case 1 (permitted)


Template Order

Additional Original Order

Combined Order (Result)

Operation 0010 UoM




Operation 0020 UoM

Operation 0030 UoM




Production Unit of Measure




The operation unit of measure for the operation combined last (0030 in this example) is adopted as the production unit of measure for the combined order.

Examples of Unit of Measure Scenarios Not Permitted

Case 1 (not permitted)


Template Order

Additional Original Order

Combined Order (Result)

Operation 0010 UoM




Operation 0020 UoM

Operation 0030 UoM




Production Unit of Measure




Case 2 (not permitted)


Template Order

Additional Original Order

Combined Order (Result)

Operation 0010 UoM




Operation 0020 UoM

Operation 0030 UoM




Production Unit of Measure




Note Note

This case might arise if you change the master data after creating the original orders, but before creating the order combination.

End of the note.

Case 3 (not permitted)


Template Order

Additional Original Order

Combined Order (Result)

Operation 0010 UoM




Operation 0020 UoM

Operation 0030 UoM




Production Unit of Measure




Conversion Factors and Scrap for Operations in the Combined Order

Conversion Factors

New conversion factors are combined for the operations in the combined order. The factor is the same as the accumulated operation quantity for the accumulated basis quantity.

If the factor is changed, a change to the quantity in the header causes the system to adjust the operation quantities accordingly.

The production quantity in the combined order is the cumulative quantity in the operation combined last.

The operation quantity for the last activity in the original orders is stored in the items for the combined order. The settlement rules are formed from the basis quantities in the original orders.

The basis quantity in the combined order is the cumulative quantity of the basis quantities from the original orders.

Example 1: Combining Operation 0010


Template Order

Additional Original Order

Combined Order (Result)

Quantity/factor for operation 0010

50 kg / 1:16

50 kg / 1:24

100 kg / 1:20

Quantity/factor for operation 0020

100 pc / 1:8

200 pc / 1:6


Production quantity (header)

100 pc

200 pc

100 kg

Basis quantity (header)

800 kg

1200 kg

2000 kg

Example 2: Combining Operations 0010 and 0020


Template Order

Additional Original Order

Combined Order (Result)

Quantity/factor for operation 0010

50 kg / 1:16

50 kg / 1:24

100 kg / 1:20

Quantity/factor for operation 0020

100 pc / 1:8

200 pc / 1:6

300 pc / 3:20

Production quantity (header)

100 pc

200 pc

300 pc

Basis quantity (header)

800 kg

1.200 kg

2000 kg


When you copy the accumulated operation quantity to the header of the combined order, the scrap quantities may be taken into account.

Example 1: Combining Operation 0030 (Scrap Quantity 0020)


Template Order

Additional Original Order

Combined Order (Result)

Quantity/scrap for operation 0010

50 kg / -

100 kg / -


Quantity/scrap for operation 0020

50 kg / 2 kg

100 kg / 5 kg


Quantity/scrap for operation 0030

48 kg / -

95 kg / -

143 kg / -

Production quantity/scrap quantity (header)

50 kg / 2 kg

100 kg / 5 kg

143 kg / -

The scrap quantities for the operations are added to the accumulated net quantity for the last operation.

Example 2: Combining Operations 0020 and 0030 (Scrap Operation 0020)


Template Order

Additional Original Order

Combined Order (Result)

Quantity/scrap for operation 0010

50 kg / -

100 kg / -


Quantity/scrap for operation 0020

50 kg / 2 kg

100 kg / 5 kg

150 kg / 7 kg

Quantity/scrap for operation 0030

48 kg / -

95 kg / -

143 kg / -

Production quantity/scrap quantity (header)

50 kg / 2 kg

100 kg / 5 kg

150 kg / 7 kg

Note Note

The net quantity for the last operation (operation 0030) is 143kg. The scrap quantity for the operations is 7 kg. The total is a header quantity of 150 kg, of which 7kg is scrap.

End of the note.

Example 3: Combining Operations 0020 and 0030 (Scrap Operations 0020 and 0030)


Template Order

Additional Original Order

Combined Order (Result)

Quantity/scrap for operation 0010

50 kg / -

100 kg / -


Quantity/scrap for operation 0020

50 kg / 2 kg

100 kg / 5 kg

150 kg / 7 kg

Quantity/scrap for operation 0030

48 kg / 1 kg

95 kg / 3 kg

143 kg / 4 kg

Production quantity/scrap quantity (header)

50 kg / 3 kg

100 kg / 8 kg

150 kg / 11 kg

Note Note

The net quantity for the last operation (operation 0030) is 139 kg. The scrap quantity for the operations is 11 kg (7+4 kg). The total is a header quantity of 150 kg, of which 11 kg is scrap.

If the basis quantity and operation quantity are in different units and if you are working with scrap, variances may occur in the header between the scrap quantity in the combined order and the total of the scrap quantities in the original orders. This is caused by the recalculation of the conversion factors of the basis unit of measure for the operation unit of measure in the combined order. This recalculation ensures that the quantities in the header and activities are consistent.

End of the note.