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  Fixed Stocks


The system updates fixed stocks so that it can retrieve inventory settlements and inventory notes more quickly in a checked and secure format.

Recommendation Recommendation

We recommend checking the stock data before you update the fixed stocks.

End of the recommendation.


Using the analysis tools in excise duty, the system can:

  • Update
  • Delete
  • Compare

fixed stocks.


Updating Fixed Stocks

The system updates the fixed stocks and outputs appropriate message texts in a log.

Deleting Fixed Stocks

The system deletes the fixed stocks and outputs appropriate message texts in a log.

Note Note

If you enter a period in the Current Stocks in Period field, the system deletes all the fixed stocks that lie in this period and are updated with periodicity Day . The system will not delete the following fixed stocks:

  • Fixed stocks that are updated at the end of the month or year

  • Fixed stocks that are updated at the beginning of the month or year

  • Fixed stocks that are updated at the beginning of a storage location assignment to a tax warehouse

  • Fixed stocks that are updated at the end of a storage location assignment to a tax warehouse.

End of the note.

If you enter a date in the Fixed Stocks to field, the system deletes all the fixed stocks from the current date to the specified date.

Comparing Fixed Stocks

The Compare Fixed Stocks function is a test tool for checking the results of the various calculation methods for stock determination.

You can use this function to check whether the results of one calculation method (for example, one that does not use fixed stocks: schema C/classic) agree with the results of another calculation method (such as one that uses fixed stocks: schema P/performant).

The system issues a list that compares the results of the two selected calculation methods.The list also includes any shortfalls.


You can use the Delete Fixed Stocks function to solve problems such as the following:

  • You only need fixed stocks temporarily. You calculate fixed stocks in preparation for a tax audit, and do not need them afterwards. You can therefore delete the fixed stocks once you are finished.

  • Certain fixed stocks are incorrect. Errors occurred during the update of the fixed stocks. In this case, delete the affected fixed stocks and generate new ones.