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 e-Filing: Outgoing Processing


e-Filing Outgoing refers to the processing you perform to submit statutory forms to the appropriate Government department or agency from your SAP system, using the Government Gateway.


You must have previously carried out all the customising and implementation activities as described in e-Filing Set up and Implementation .

This ensures that all other necessary programs, functions and authorisations are in place before you commence e-Filing Outgoing processing in your SAP system.


Using the e-Filing Outgoing process, you can submit the following statutory forms to the Inland Revenue electronically via your secure mailbox on the Government Gateway:


End-of-Year Summary


Employer's Annual Return


You use e-filing Outgoing to submit your P14 and P35 Forms electronically on an annual basis. The e-Filing EOY process has two stages:

  • You firstly run report P35 Checklist and Declaration (RPC35CG0) to prepare data for P35 Form electronic submission.
  • You then run the GB Year-End Report: Production of Legislative Forms (RPCEOYG0) to generate and electronically submit your EOY forms to the Inland Revenue.