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 Making Task-Specific Settings


Assigning the organizational structure to the standard tasks of the workflow template.


Organizational structure is defined.


  1. Choose Start of the navigation path Tools Next navigation step Business workflow Next navigation step Development End of the navigation path

  2. Choose Start of the navigation path Definition tools Next navigation step Tasks/task groups Next navigation step Display End of the navigation path

  3. Enter the standard task (TS) that is to be assigned to an agent and choose Display

  4. Choose Start of the navigation path Extras Next navigation step Agent assignment Next navigation step Maintain End of the navigation path

Example Example

This assignment could look as follows:

End of the example.
  • Standard task 20000369 (Printout of the confirmation of notice) for the task notice_1.

  • Standard tasks 20000266 (rental unit inspection) and 20000368 (process rental collateral) for task notice_2

  • Standard tasks 20000379 (calculating rental adjustment to RU), 20000370 (assigning applicant rental unit) for the task: new rental