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 Rebuilding Data Extracts


This utility copies an existing extract into a new extract, using the latest DART configuration definitions. This allows you to impose a new configuration on existing extracted data.

For example, if you have defined a new index on a segment, you can use this utility to generate the corresponding index data for the segment in the data extract.


The data extracts that you want to rebuild, must have been created previously with the DART data extraction utility.


  1. From the main DART screen, choose Start of the navigation path Utilities Next navigation step Rebuild data extracts. End of the navigation path

  2. Enter data as described below:



    Source extract

    Enter the source extract name and its directory set .

    Other data

    Set the Extract customer-defined data sources indicator to include data as specified by customer-defined segments .

    Target extract (Data extract name, Directory set)

    Enter the target extract name and its directory set.


    Describe the target extract or the reason for the rebuild.

    Note icon

    Enter a note explaining the reasons for the rebuild in more details.

    Merge source extract notes

    Set this indicator if you wish to include the notes from the source extract in the rebuilt target extract.

    Regardless of your selection in this field, the system includes a short description of the source extract as part of a note included in the target extract.

    If you enter any note for the rebuilt extract, then the note in that extract includes three parts: your note for the source extract, the system note, and your note for the target extract.

    Compress data

    Set this indicator to compress the rebuilt extract.

    You may use any setting regardless of whether the source extract had been compressed or not.

    Calculate data checksums

    Set this indicator to include checksums for the segments in the target extract.

    Extract customer-defined data sources

    Activate this option to include customer-defined segments that were additionally defined.

    Fill customer-defined fields

    Set this indicator to include data for customer-defined fields that were added to the segments provided by SAP.

  3. Choose Execute .


The system creates a new extract and in this process copies the data from the source extract to the target extract.

The system creates all the data that was newly defined since the source extract was created. For example, it recreates:

  • Indices

  • Checksums

  • Control totals

The system may restructure the extracted data files differently as a result of the new configuration. For example, if you have specified a different maximum file size, the utility may need to reorganize the data into a different amount of physical files.

The system may also extract additional data that was not included in the original extract (and is therefore not in the source file):