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  Packing for an Inbound Delivery


You use this function when you want to pack delivery items for an inbound delivery.


The packing dialog copies information about delivery quantities and picked quantities from the delivery. If the delivery item is a catch weight material, the delivery contains details on the delivery quantity and the picked quantity, in the logistics unit of measure and the parallel unit of measure.

For putaway and posting a goods receipt you proceed differently, depending on the storage location you have specified in the delivery (see also Goods Receipt Handling with Reference to Inbound Deliveries ):

  • Storage Location Not HU-Managed

    • o If the delivery item is assigned to a storage location that is not HU-managed, you can pack this delivery item either partially or completely.

    • o You can post the goods receipt for this delivery independently of the packed quantities, as no checks are performed to see if a difference exists between the packing quantity and the delivery quantity.

    • o As it is possible to change quantities during packing, the corresponding data is taken from the packing dialog and updated to the delivery.

  • HU-Managed Storage Location

    • o If the delivery item is assigned to a storage location that is HU-managed, you must pack the delivery item completely to be able to post a goods receipt. If the delivery quantity and the packing quantity are not identical you cannot post a goods receipt. The system checks for possible differences between quantities but only in terms of the logistics unit of measure.

    • o As it is possible to change quantities during packing, the corresponding data is taken from the packing dialog and updated to the delivery.

  • HU-Managed and WM-Managed Storage Location

    • o If the delivery item is assigned to a storage location that is HU-managed and WM-managed, you must completely pack the delivery item.

      As you can change the logistics quantity and the parallel quantity during packing, quantity-related data is updated to the delivery from the packing dialog.

    • o You create a transfer order for the packed quantity (see also Creating a Transfer Order for an Inbound Delivery ).

      The transfer order uses data in the handling unit to determine the quantity for putaway.

    • o You confirm the transfer order (see also Confirming Transfer Orders for Inbound Deliveries ).

      When you confirm a transfer order you can change the logistics quantity and the parallel quantity. In this case, the changed quantities are updated to the handling unit and the delivery. When confirming a transfer order it is also possible to update the picked quantity to the delivery.

    • o The handling unit is put away in warehouse management (WM).

    • o You post the goods receipt.

      To be able to do this, the picked quantity must be identical to the packing quantity.

  • HU-Managed and Lean-Managed Storage Location

    If the delivery item is assigned to a storage location that is HU-managed and lean-WM-managed you perform putaway and post a goods receipt as you would if you were assigning them to a storage location that was HU-managed and WM-managed. The only difference between the processes is that in this case it is not possible to change quantities when confirming the transfer order.

Automatic Packing

When you create a delivery, the function Automatic Packing allows you to create handling units in the background using packing proposals and to pack all the packable delivery items (see also Packing Automatically When Creating Deliveries ). Catch weight materials are dealt with in the same way here as in manual packing.