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 Distribution Between Header and Items


Header conditions apply to all items in the document and are automatically distributed to the items. A header condition can be based on either a percentage or on an absolute amount. If you enter a header condition that is based on a percentage (for example, a discount of 2%) the system automatically applies this percentage to all items in the document. If the header condition is an absolute amount, there are two different ways in which the system can distribute the amount among the items in the document:

The condition value of a header condition is either

  • distributed proportionally among the items or

  • the amount entered at header level is duplicated for each item.

You control the distribution of absolute header conditions in the group price field per condition type. In the standard version, condition type HB00 is marked as a header condition and as group condition. Condition type RB00 is only marked as a header condition:

Condition type



Header discount distributed as percentage because it is marked as a header condition and as a group condition


Assigns the header discount to every item, because it is only marked as a header condition


The following figure illustrates examples of the two variations. If you enter an absolute discount with condition type RB00 , the system takes the amount you enter as a header condition and copies the identical amount for each item in the document. In the example, the absolute discount of USD 90 appears in each item. The total condition value for the document is USD 270. However, if you enter an absolute discount with condition type HB00 , the system distributes the amount proportionally among the various items, in this case, according to value of the items. In the example, the absolute discount of USD 90 is distributed proportionally among the items. The total condition value for the document is USD 90.

Note Note

The distribution of an absolute header condition need not be based on value. For example you can specify in Customizing for Sales that the distribution is based on the weight or volume of the different items. You specify the basis of the distribution in the Alternative condition base value field in the pricing screen.

End of the note.

Note Note

Rounding differences can occur during the distribution of absolute amounts. The system automatically evens these out by proposing the remainder to the largest item so that the value in the header is identical to the total of the values in the items.


A position has a net value of 200 USD, the second item has a value of 100 USD. A header surcharge of 10 USD should be allocated. The system sets a surcharge of 6.67 USD in the first item and 3.33 USD in the second item.

End of the note.