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 Default Parameters for Reports


In report management and the report information system , you can use default parameters to fill symbols of symbol type Parameter with valid values for displaying and printing reports so that the user need not enter values manually.

Note Note

The SAP system determines the currently valid values for symbols of symbol type Parameter at the shipping stage.

End of the note.


You have made the following settings in Customizing for Basic Data and Tools :

  • Under Specify Report Symbol Groups , you have defined the report symbol groups for the determination of default parameters and assigned the required function modules.

  • Under Check and Specify Report Symbols , you have assigned the required report symbol groups to the report symbols.

  • Under Check Identification Listing , you have defined the identification listing D_MATNAM according to your requirements.


Default Parameters

For the user exit, function modules are delivered with the standard system that determine the appropriate values for an initiator (sales organization) or material number. You must distinguish between the following parameter symbols:

  • Parameter symbols that depend on an initiator

  • Parameter symbols that have a reference to a material

    The default parameter value for the material name is determined as follows:

    1. If the material exists in the SAP system, the first 132 characters of the basic data long text are displayed in the logon language.

    2. If no basic data long text exists, the material short text is displayed in the logon language.

    3. If no material short text exists, the identifier that the SAP system determined in accordance with the identification listing D_MATNAM is displayed.

    4. If no appropriate identifier exists, the specification key is displayed as the default value.

Temporary Overwriting

In report management , you can overwrite the default parameters manually. In the report information system , overwriting is forbidden by default. However, you can set up this option with the appropriate authorization.

The changed values are not saved. They are only used for the current transaction.