Scheduling Jobs for Mass Processing
If you choose the processing type Enter for mass processing, the action is not executed immediately. Instead, entries with the corresponding function are generated in a system table (TBATG). The requests collected in this table are processed in the background at fixed times. The background process must be scheduled explicitly as a job.
A dialog box is displayed in which you can schedule the job. You can enter the date and time when the job starts here.
To do this, choose the relevant pushbuttons and make the necessary entries.
In this case you also need to choose the period values. Choose Period values. The possible values are displayed in a dialog box. Select the value you require and choose Save.
A dialog box appears in which you can enter further restrictions for the requests to be processed by the job. The job then only processes the TABTG entries that satisfy the specified restrictions. The F1 help for the input fields tells you what the individual parameters of this screen mean.
The job is scheduled. The job processes all requests scheduled for mass processing (TBATG entries) that match the selection conditions.
See also:
Processing Types