Displaying Temporary Tables without Restart Logs
With Extras
® Invalid temp. table you can display the temporary tables in your system (QCM tables) for which there is no restart log. Tables for which there is a restart log because the conversion terminated are not displayed here.These temporary tables are created during the conversion (see
Conversion Process). In such a conversion the data from the table is saved in a temporary table. After the table has been created in the database with its new structure, the data is reloaded to the original table. If the conversion runs without any errors, the temporary table is no longer required.As of Release 3.0, the temporary table is deleted after the conversion has been completed successfully. Prior to Release 3.0 these tables were retained even after the conversion had been completed successfully. Such tables can therefore be deleted.
When deleting the temporary tables displayed, you should make sure that no terminated conversion was unlocked by mistake. In this case the existing restart log would be deleted. If the conversion terminated at a time when the data was present only in the temporary table, there is a danger of data loss.
If you are not sure whether this is the case, you should check whether the original table exists in the database and contains the expected volume of data before you delete the temporary table.