Editing Tables and Indexes in the Database
Basic Functions
The functions Create database table, Delete database table and Activate and adjust database are provided for transparent tables. You can execute such a function by selecting the
processing type and pressing the corresponding button.- Create database table:
The table is created in the database with its active version and the primary index. Active secondary indexes are also created in the database if this was not explicitly excluded when the index was defined (see
Creating Secondary Indexes).
Delete database table: The table and all its indexes are deleted from the database.
Activate and adjust database: The revised version of the table is activated in the database table is
adjusted to this modified table definition. You can select Keep data or Delete data. For Delete data, the table is deleted in the database and created again with the new definition. Data in the table is lost. With Keep data, there is an attempt to perform an adjustment with an ALTER TABLE. If this is not possible, a table
conversion is triggered.

pooled and cluster tables are not separate tables in the database, the functions Create database table and Delete database table are not applicable for these table categories. The Delete data function is offered instead. It deletes the table data from the corresponding physical table pool or table cluster.
Functions for Indexes
You go to the maintenance screen for indexes with Goto →
Indexes. A list of all the table indexes that exist in the ABAP Dictionary is displayed. Select the required index by double-clicking. The following functions are offered in the next screen:
- Create database index:
Create a secondary index or the primary index of a transparent table in the database.
- Delete database index:
Delete a secondary index of a transparent table in the database. The primary index of a transparent table created in the database cannot be deleted as long as the table still exists in the database.
- Activate and adjust database:
The index is deleted from the database. The revised version of the index is activated. The index is then created and built again in the database.
Other Functions
The database utility also offers a number of check and repair functions for tables.
- Maintain storage parameters:
Storage parameters that influence the database settings (such as extent sizes) for the table can be maintained for transparent tables. You can display the corresponding maintenance screen with Storage parameters.
Check consistency: You can compare the table definition in the database with the
runtime object of the table with Extras
Database object
Check. The indexes on the table in the ABAP Dictionary are compared with the indexes on the database. You can compare the runtime object of the table with the information entered in the ABAP Dictionary maintenance screen with Extras
Runtime object
Check. Both definitions are displayed. The differences found are highlighted. In both cases you can switch between a delta (only differences) or full (all information) display of the check results.
Check the Existence of Data: With Table
Data exists? you can check if the table contains data. Data is selected for all clients. This function is of use for example to check whether a table is empty prior to a conversion. You can display the data in the logon client with Table →
Table contents.
Display the Runtime Object and Database Table: You can list the structure of the table in the database and the indexes defined for the table with Extras
Database object
Display. With Extras
Runtime object
Display you can display the runtime object of the table. You can get more information about interpreting the displayed data with the
Force conversion: You can trigger a table
conversion with Extras
Force conversion. This function is of use for example if only the
storage parameters or
technical settings of the table were modified, but the table structure was not changed. Some of the modified settings can only take effect in the database once the table has been converted. A table conversion cannot be triggered with the Activate and adjust database function in this case because the table structure has not changed.
Reconstruct: You can create a suitable
runtime object for the database table with Table
Reconstruct. This runtime object only contains the information about the table that is available in the database, such as the field name and data types. It does not contain other information about the table that only exists in the ABAP Dictionary, such as specifications for buffering. Only user DDIC has the authorization to execute this function. Only use this function to temporarily correct inconsistencies (database status and runtime object differ) and be sure to adjust the table in the usual way in the ABAP Dictionary and activate it there at a later time.