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 Automatic Incoming Payments: Payment Program


The payment program of the Financial Accounting component was developed for international payment transactions with vendors and customers. You can carry out both outgoing and incoming payments with the payment program. All country-specific features, such as determining payment methods, payment forms or data carriers, are freely definable.

For details, refer to the Financial Accounting documentation: Introduction To Payment Program

The components of RE Real Estate have the following special features:

The payment program is controlled by the account number details of the customers (tenants, subsidizers in lease-outs). You cannot call up the program directly via lease-out numbers.


FI Customizing settings

You have to identify the special G/L indicator of the advance payment request as payable in Customizing of the payment program for the corresponding payment method (" J " in the standard Customizing delivery), so that the posting of advance payment requests (operating costs, heating expenses, sales-based rent) can be taken into account by the payment program.

For contracts with alternative payers , use another payment method for bank collections. This payment method should be defined in the same way as the Collection authorization payment method, but without the indicator "Check collection authorization".

Reason: This indicator cannot be maintained for alternative payers at the time being. (Also see: Treatment of Payment Methods


Open tenant items that participate in the debit memo procedure are automatically cleared by the Financial Accounting payment program. The program generates a data carrier that transfers the debit memo information to the respective local banks.