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 Displaying Previous Segment Corrections


You have carried out a segment reversal or a segment reversal and segment rebook and you now want to see an overview of the adjustments for a single period of a fiscal year.


  1. Choose Accounting → Controlling → Cost Center Accounting → Period-end closing

  2. Single functions →

    Periodic reposting or

    Allocations → <Allocation in question>

  3. Choose Periodic reposting or <Allocation in question>Segment adjustment.

  4. Choose Segment adjustment → Processed to date.

  5. Enter the relevant fiscal year and periods .

  6. Choose Execute .


The system displays an overview of the periods and cycles in which segment reversals, segment rebooks or segment reverse and rebooks were carried out, together with the document entries.

To branch to the document display, double-click on a document number.