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 Reversing Segment Adjustments


You have carried out a segment reversal or a segment reversal with segment rebook and you now want to reverse these postings again.


  1. Choose Start of the navigation path Accounting Next navigation step Controlling Next navigation step Cost Center Accounting Next navigation step Period-end closing End of the navigation path

  2. Start of the navigation path Single functions Next navigation step Periodic reposting or End of the navigation path

    Start of the navigation path Single functions Next navigation step Allocations Next navigation step <allocation in question> End of the navigation path

  3. Choose Periodic reposting or Start of the navigation path <allocation in question> Next navigation step Segment adjustment. End of the navigation path

  4. Under Posting parameters , enter the posting period and the fiscal year in which the posting was made.

  5. Enter the cycle for which you want to reverse the segment adjustment.

  6. Under Segment selection, enter one or more segments or one or more segment intervals from the selected cycle for which you want to reverse the segment adjustment.

  7. Choose Start of the navigation path Segment adjustment Next navigation step Reverse. End of the navigation path


The system reverses the postings of the segment reversal and segment rebook for the given segments and given posting period in the given fiscal year.