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 Displaying Objects With Unevaluated Qualifications or Requirements


For further information on using this report, please refer to Reports .


  1. Choose Start of the navigation path Human resources Next navigation step Personnel management Next navigation step Personnel development Next navigation step Information system Next navigation step Reports Next navigation step Profile Next navigation step Objects with unevaluated qualifications or requirements. End of the navigation path

  2. The Objects With Unevaluated Qualifications or Requirements screen appears.

  3. To change the object type, choose Change object type.

  4. The Select Object Type dialog box appears.

    1. Position the cursor on the object type you want, and choose Transfer.

    The Objects Without Qualifications/Requirements Profiles screen appears.

  5. Choose Start of the navigation path Program Next navigation step Execute. End of the navigation path

The system displays a list of objects of the object type selected that have qualifications or requirements with the status Unevaluated . The following information is displayed for each object:

  • Plan version

  • Object type

  • Object ID

  • Name

  1. To change an object’s profile, position the cursor on the object in question, and choose Start of the navigation path Edit Next navigation step Maintain profile. End of the navigation path