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 Post Private Expenses using the Receipt Wizard


The Receipt Wizard allows you to post private expenses for receipts paid by the company. This document describes how the system handles these postings and explains which Customizing settings are required to complete the process.


Two new expense types are provided for posting private expenses for receipts that have already paid by the company:

  • PRIV Private Shares (expenses), that need to be paid back and

  • PRBZ Private shares (expenses), that were paid by the company

These expense types are linked to expense type Hotel, paid by company in the Travel Expense Customizing activity Create Travel Expense Types for Individual Receipts (V_T706B1) .

Using expense types PRIV and PRBZ ensures that:

  • Private expenses, that are not applicable for reimbursement, are shown as debits for travelers, and must, therefore, be paid back to the company.

  • Private expenses for receipts that have already been paid are shown as credits in the expense account assigned to the paid receipt (this means that the expense is reduced by this amount), or that the expense account is not debited with the private expense in the first place.

  • The travel expense form shows the correct figures for the reimbursement amount, the amount paid by the company and the total expenses for the trip.

  • Data entry and usage is as easy and simple as possible for the user.

In standard Customizing, expense types PRIV and PRBZ are assigned to wage types Accommodation and Accommodation, paid by company. Correspondingly, this means that standard Customizing can only be used to post private expenses for accommodation receipts that have already been paid. For more information, see "Customizing: Private Expenses for a Single Expense Type".

If you want to use expense types PRIV and PRBZ for several different paid receipt types (for example, flight, hotel, or rental car receipts), you need to create new wage types. For more information, see "Customizing: Private Expenses for Several Different Expense Types" .

Example: Paid Hotel Receipt

Your employer has received, and paid a hotel bill for 450 EUR. This amount contains an accommodation expense of 400 EUR and a private expense of 50 EUR. The Receipt Wizard is called up, either in the receipt list in the Travel Expense Manager (PR05) or the Travel Manager (TRIP), for:


Hotel, paid

450 EUR

This receipt was either added to the trip automatically from the receipt buffer for credit card clearing or manually by the traveler. After the Receipt Wizard has been used to deduct the private expenses, the following receipts are created for the trip:


Hotel, paid

400 EUR


Private share, paid

50 EUR


Private share, to be paid back

-50 EUR

Customizing: Private Expenses for a Single Expense Type

Expense Types

The following expense types are maintained in the Customizing activities Create travel expense types for individual receipts (V_T706B1) and Assign wage types to travel expense types for individual receipts (V_T706B4):


Hotel, paid

with wage type MJ61 Accommodation, paid by company


Private share for accommodation, paid by company

with wage type MJ61 Accommodation, paid by company


Private share for accommodation, to be paid back

with wage type MJ10 Tax-free accommodation

Wage Types

The wage types are assigned the following symbolic accounts in the IMG activity Define assignment of wage types to symbolic accounts (V_T706K):


Tax-Fr. Accomm.





Paid Accomm.




The symbolic accounts (account modifiers) are assigned to the following actual accounts in the IMG activity Conversion of symbolic accounts to expense accounts (table T030) :


Hotel expense


Clearing paid receipts


Employee vendor


With these Customizing settings, the system makes the following postings:


Hotel expense


Clearing paid receipts


Employee vendor


Bank account














































(1) Hotel expense to Clearing paid receipts 400 EUR

(2) Hotel expense to Clearing paid receipts 50 EUR

(3) Employee vendor to Hotel expense 50 EUR

(4) Clearing paid receipts to Bank account 450 EUR

The posting that debits the creditor (3) credits the account hotel expense, this means that expense type PRIV cannot be used for any paid receipt (for example, paid flights). The same applies for PRBZ. The advantage of this, is that no new wage types are required. You only need to create new wage types if you want to use the Receipt Wizard for other expense types. The next section describes the Customizing required if you do not want to credit/debit the expense types with the private expenses.

Travel Expense Form

The travel expense form shows the following amounts:

Trip reimbursement amount in EUR


Paid by company


Total travel expenses in EUR


Customizing: Private Expenses for Several Different Expense Types

Expense Types

The following expense types have been created using the Customizing activities Create travel expense types for individual receipts (V_T706B1) and Assign wage types to travel expense types for individual receipts (V_T706B4):


Hotel, paid

with wage type MJ61 Accommodation, paid by company


Private share, paid

with wage type MJ66 Private share, paid


Private share, to be paid back

with wage type MJ12 Private share, to be paid back

Wage Types

The wage types have been assigned the following symbolic accounts in the IMG activity Define assignment of wage types to symbolic accounts (V_T706K):







Paid Accomm.





Priv. Paid




The symbolic accounts (account modifiers) are assigned to the following actual accounts in the IMG activity Conversion of symbolic accounts to expense accounts (table T030):

(1)10 Expense


(1)60 Clearing

Paid receipts

(1)RR Vendor



With these Customizing settings, the system makes the following postings:


Hotel expense


Clearing paid receipts


Employee vendor


Bank account

















































(1) Hotel expense to Clearing paid receipts 400 EUR

(2) Vendor employee to Clearing paid receipts 50 EUR

(3) Clearing to Clearing 50 EUR

(4) Clearing paid receipts to Bank account 450 EUR

The posting that debits the creditor (2) does not go to the expense account, this means that expense type

PRIV can be used for any paid receipt (for example, paid flights). The same applies for PRBZ. The zero posting (3) is not shown in the trip transfer document.

Travel Expense Form

The travel expense form shows the same amounts as above.