See Report Shipping .
In Customizing for
Product Safety
, you have made settings in the
Report Shipping
section and set up the
shipping reason
For shipping inbound reports , you have carried out the procedure Setting Up Shipping of Reports in Any Format .
You can improve the performance of inbound document shipping if, when programming, you ensure that when importing inbound documents, a PostScript file is additionally created for each *.PDF file. This means that in inbound shipping, the required *.PS files are immediately available and do not have to be created.
Automatic report shipping is supported as standard for reports of the report category
Material Safety Data Sheet
. As a prerequisite the SAP system must be able to select the following data uniquely:
Report (see Report Selection )
Sender ( SDB Initiator; Sales Organization )
Reports with a specification reference must have been released in report management (see Report Release ).
Reports without a specification reference are considered as released as soon as you have assigned a suitable generation variant to the released report template. To be able to ship an accident notification, you must have saved the corresponding incident/accident log entry in the incident/accident log on the
Incident/Accident Log: Edit Person-Specific Data
See Report Shipping with and Without Specification References .
The reports you want to send must belong to the same report category. As different report categories belong to different business categories, simultaneous shipping is not possible.
You have installed the current version of Windows Wordprocessor Integration (WWI) and made settings in the
Report Definition
section of Customizing for
Basic Data and Tools
Creating a report shipping order
The report shipping order is the central object in report shipping. It contains all parameters that are used to define and control report shipping:
Manual report shipping
is started from the
report information system
for reports with and without a specification reference.
Creating reports automatically includes the following:
Automatic report shipping
that is started from the SAP component
Sales and Distribution
(SD) for material safety data sheets
Subsequent shipping of material safety data sheets
A report shipping order is also created automatically when exporting reports and printing (see Report Export: Process ).
Controlling the report shipping order using user exits
From its creation to shipping, the report shipping order passes through various stations in the form of user exits:
See Report Shipping Status Network .
In addition to these user exits you can create your own function modules and specify them in the Customizing activity
Manage User Exits
Checking the report shipping order manually
You check the current status of your report shipping order using the shipping log (see Editing Report Shipping Orders ).
You can specify that the report shipping order automatically passes through the report shipping
status network
. You can also start report shipping orders with the initial status
(CR) in the background. In this case, you must
the report shipping orders manually before the start by carrying out either the
functions (see
Changing the Status of the Report Shipping Order
You can also set the following in Customizing for
Product Safety
Specify Shipping Reasons
Report output must be confirmed manually
It is important to check reports during output since errors may occur when printing reports, due to paper being stuck in the printer or lack of toner.
Report receipt must be confirmed manually
Acknowledgements of receipt must be signed by the recipient and returned to you as the sender.
You can reset the status of rejected and failed report shipping orders and reset communication type and printer parameters in the shipping header (see Editing Report Shipping Order Headers ).
You use a user exit to save the completed report shipping order.