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 Month-End Closing


The system performs month-end closing for an excise duty type, or for one or several tax warehouses. All the excise duty documents whose posting date falls between the end date of the last period closed and the specified date are flagged with the period that is assigned to the posting date. The fiscal year variant forms the foundation for determining the periods.

Generally, you cannot perform any subsequent postings in a closed period. However, you can use the Customizing table Permitted subsequent postings to define the stock ledger department and sub department for the excise duty type and the tax warehouse for which subsequent postings should be allowed.


When you perform month-end closing, the system performs the following steps in the background:

  1. The system checks the input fields and determines the start date.

  2. If you flag the Check whether function permis. checkbox, the system performs the following permissibility checks:

    • The system checks whether the field End date of the period in the period restriction input area is earlier than the current date.

    • The system checks whether the End date of the period is in a closed MM period.

    • The system checks whether there are incorrect movements in the excise duty period.

    • The system checks whether material document items were analyzed during the document selection.

  3. If one of the above conditions for the permissibility check is not met, the system issues an error message and terminates processing of the month-end closing.

  4. If the above conditions for the permissibility check have been met, the system flags the excise duty documents with the excise duty period. The system enters the excise duty period in the excise duty period table.

  5. The system updates (depending on Customizing settings) the fixed stock, up to one period before the start of the closed excised duty period.