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 Inspection Planning with a Material Specification


If you plan inspections with a material specification, you can inspect a material using the inspection characteristics that are defined in the task list, as well as the master inspection characteristics that are defined in the material specification, or the class characteristics that are linked to these master inspection characteristics.


  • You can transfer the results of the quality inspection to the batch classification , if the master inspection characteristic you are inspecting is linked to a class characteristic.

Note Note

For an inspection without inspection points , when the quality inspection is completed , the class characteristics of the class are automatically valuated using the measurement results (mean value or code) of the closed characteristics, for which a link to the class characteristics of the batch class is maintained in the material specification. This only applies if in Customizing the Batch valuation without mat. spec indicator is not set.

You can manually enter values for inspection characteristics that are linked to class characteristics using the material specification, but that were not inspected or closed (they are for example in a skip stage, or are not included in the task list). However, this is only possible if the class characteristics in the batch have not been valuated.

In the long text for the usage decision, the system logs which class characteristics for the batch class have inspection results available. The values that have been copied over into the batch classification are overwritten by the inspection results of subsequent inspections.

For Inspection lots with inspection point processing , the transfer of results to batch classification takes place when results are recorded for the inspection point. Once you have entered a batch and saved the inspection results, the class characteristics for the batch class are automatically valuated using the measured results from the closed inspection characteristics. In this case, the values cannot be entered manually. In the long text for the partial lot, the system logs which class characteristics for the batch class have inspection results available.

The batch class contains the latest inspection results that were recorded.

End of the note.
  • Inspection point 1: Transfer inspection results to the batch

  • Inspection point 2: Transfer inspection results to the batch

  • Inspection point 3: Transfer inspection results to the batch

  • If the inspection results for inspection point 2 are changed retrospectively, these new inspection results (for inspection point 2) are transferred to the batch.


Before you can use a material specification as a basis for an inspection, the following prerequisites must be fulfilled:

Material Specification with Master Inspection Characteristics and Class Characteristics

  • The class characteristic to be inspected must have been created in the Classification System.

  • A class for the class type batch must have been created in the Classification System.

  • The class characteristic to be inspected must be assigned to the batch class .

  • The material to be inspected must be created.

  • In the Classification view, the batch class must be assigned to the material to be inspected, so that you can inspect the material according to the specifications from the batch class for this material. If you do not assign the material to any batch class, you can only inspect the material according to the inspection specifications from the master inspection characteristic.

  • The master inspection characteristic to be inspected must have been created in the QM basic data and been linked to the class characteristic to be inspected. The master inspection characteristic therefore automatically becomes a reference characteristic.

  • If you want to inspect according to the classification intervals, you must assign the master inspection characteristic in the material specification to the class characteristic. If you do not want to inspect according to the classification intervals, do not assign the master inspection characteristic in the material specification to a class characteristic.

  • The material specification must have been created.

  • In the inspection setup (Quality Management) view of the material master, the indicator inspect with mat. spec must be set.

Material Specification with Master Inspection Characteristics and Without Class Characteristics

  • The master inspection characteristic to be inspected must have been created in the QM basic data as a reference characteristic or a complete copy model.

  • The material specification must have been created.

  • In the inspection setup (Quality Management) view of the material master, the indicator inspect with mat. spec must be set.


When you plan inspections with a material specification, you can either:

  • Assign master inspection characteristics to the class characteristics from the batch class, to be able to include the inspection specifications from the batch class for the inspection of the material.

  • Include master inspection characteristics without a reference to class characteristics in the material specification.

See also:

Classification System

Link: Master Inspection Characteristic – Class Characteristic

Effects of Link at Lot Creation

Effects of Link at Batch Valuation

Effects of Link in Variant Configuration

Effects of Link at Batch Determination