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 Displaying Administrative Information


The system records administrative information for the notification header and for individual items, tasks and activities. This information specifies who created the quality notification, item, task, or activity and who made the latest changes.

Displaying Administrative Information for the Notification

  1. Call up a notification in the create or change mode.

  2. Position the cursor somewhere on the notification screen, but not on an item, task, or activity, and choose Start of the navigation path Goto Next navigation step Administrative data End of the navigation path .

The dialog box for the administrative data appears. It specifies who created the notification and who made the latest changes to the notification.

  1. Choose Continue to close the dialog box.

Displaying Administrative Data for an Item, Task, or Activity

  1. Call up a notification in the create or change mode.

  2. Choose the tab for the item, task, or activity overview.

  3. Select an item, task, or activity, and choose Start of the navigation path Goto Next navigation step Administrative data End of the navigation path

The dialog box for the administrative data appears. It specifies who created the notification and who made the latest changes to the item, task, or activity.

  1. Choose Continue to close the dialog box.