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  Ranking for Succession Plan and Candidate


You can use this process to view rankings for candidates who are assigned to a succession plan. This includes the rankings of candidates’ assignments to the succession plan and the rankings of the candidates themselves. You can use the rankings as a criterion to determine the candidate’s suitability. You can also allocate your own rankings to candidates or to their assignments to a succession plan.


You have performed the process Display of Assignments to Succession Plan to obtain a list of candidates assigned to a selected requisition.

To be able to carry out ranking, you must have made the following settings in the Implementation Guide (IMG) for SAP E-Recruiting :

  • Define Scales for Ranking and Reporting

    In this IMG activity, you specify scales for the ranking of assignments and candidates. You use these scales if you want to rank candidates yourself.

  • Assign Scales to Scale Types

    In this IMG activity, you assign the scales that you specified to the relevant scale types: The assignment ranking scale is assigned to the scale type for ranking an assignment and the candidate ranking scale is assigned to the scale type for ranking a candidate.

  • Define Activity Types

    In this IMG activity, you create an activity type for ranking a candidate and for ranking an assignment.

  • Assign HR Object Types to Activity Types

    In this IMG activity, you assign the Candidate object to the activity type for ranking a candidate and the Candidacy object to the activity type for ranking an assignment.

    Note Note

    Activity types assigned to the Candidate object belong to the activity types for Talent Relationship Management. Activity types assigned to the Candidacy object (assignment) belong to the activity types for Succession Planning.

    End of the note.
  • Define Processes / Assign Activity Types to Processes for Succession Planning

    In these IMG activities, you create a process for the Talent Relationship Management process group and the Succession Planning process group respectively. You assign the relevant activity types for the rankings to each of these processes. In this way, you can use this process to call the ranking activities to rank candidates or assignments.

Process Flow

Display of rankings
  1. You select the Ranking Criteria tab page.

  2. You select Ranking for Succession Plan and Candidate and choose Display Selection .

    The system shows the following columns in the list of candidates:

    • Succession Plan Ranking (contains the ranking of the candidate’s assignment to the succession plan that was submitted by members of the support team)

    • Candidate Ranking (contains the ranking of the candidate that was submitted by other succession planners)

      The list contains the average of all available rankings as several rankings can be submitted for each candidate.

  3. You click a ranking.

    The system displays a ranking overview, that is, a list of all previous rankings.

Assignment Ranking

You rank assignments using activities that are assigned to the Succession Planning process group.

You assign a ranking as follows:

Variant 1
  1. You select one or more candidates in the list of assigned candidates.

  2. You select a ranking from the value list above the candidate list and choose Ranking .

  3. The system creates an activity of the Ranking of Readiness to Succeed activity type for each of these assignments. For each assignment, you can view and supplement the activities in the Overview of Activities .

Variant 2
  1. You select one or more candidates in the list of assigned candidates.

  2. You choose the Edit Activities function.In the Activities view, you select an activity of the type Ranking of Readiness to Succeed .

    1. Alternatively, you can use the Create Activities function.

  3. You specify your ranking in the activity details and, if necessary, add a note or attachment .

  4. You save your entries.

  5. The system creates the activity for the relevant assignments.

  6. You go back to the Assignments view.

  7. In the list of assigned candidates, the rankings are displayed in the Requisition Ranking column.

Candidate Ranking

You rank candidates using activities that are assigned to the Talent Relationship Management process group.

  1. You select a candidate in the list of assigned candidates.

  2. You choose the Overview function.

  3. The system displays the Overview view which contains all assignments and activities that have been created for the selected candidate.

  4. You select the Talent Relationship Management tab page.

  5. You create an activity of the type Candidate Ranking for the candidate.

  6. You specify your ranking in the activity details and, if necessary, supplement it with a note or attachment.

  7. You save your entries.

  8. The system creates the activity for the candidate.

  9. You go back to the Assignments view.

  10. The system displays the ranking in the list of assigned candidates in the Candidate Ranking column.