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 Workflow Template WS17900011: Hiring an Employee (DE)


You use this workflow template for the country version for Germany. It provides a model of how you can set up the process for hiring an employee in your enterprise. The employee and the HR administrator are involved in this workflow template.

Standard Tasks Used

Standard Task TS17900100: Edit Form

Workflow Templates Used

Workflow Template WS 17900260: Save Form with Error Handling

Related Workflow Templates

If you use SAP E-Recruiting , you can transfer applicant data from E-Recruiting and transfer the new hire's personnel number back to E-Recruiting . In this case, the process is triggered by the data transfer from E-Recruiting , and not by a start application. You can use the following workflow templates to depict the process:

  • Workflow Template WS17900415: Start Process for XI Data

  • Workflow Template WS17900015: Follow-Up XI

See also:

For more information about the hiring process, see Hiring (Germany) .