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 Costing Status


The costing status does the following:

  • Informs you about the current processing status

Example Example

The cost estimate has the status KA (costed without errors). The cost estimate has therefore yet to be marked or released.

The cost estimate has the status VO (marked without errors). Costing has been carried out, and the cost estimate has been marked but not released.

End of the example.
  • Informs you of error messages

Example Example

The cost estimate has the status KF (costed with errors). Error messages (type E ) have occurred.

The cost estimate has the status KA (costed without errors). No messages information messages (type I ) or warning messages (type W ) have occurred.

End of the example.
  • Prevents incorrect data from being passed on

Example Example

The results of cost estimates with the status KF cannot be transferred to the material master.

End of the example.
  • Prevents the system from repeating a function

Example Example

If a standard cost estimate has already been released (status FR ), it cannot be costed, marked or released again. The system issues an error message.

End of the example.


The system can set a costing status for the following:

  • Costing run

  • Cost estimate

  • A costing level within the cost estimate

The status can point to either an error or a success, as follows:


If error messages (type E ) were issued during costing, the system sets the status With errors (such as KF if the material was costed with errors, or VF if it was marked with errors).

The results of cost estimates with the status With errors cannot be transferred to the material master. You must correct the errors that occurred and carry out costing again before you can transfer the results to the material master.

If the system sets an error status when selecting the materials or exploding a BOM for the costing run, you cannot carry out the next step of the costing run (BOM explosion or costing). For more information about costing runs, see Costing Run .

Note Note

Only messages of type E lead to the costing status With errors . You can define for a whole range of messages whether the message concerns an error, a warning, or information. For more information, see User-Defined Message Types .

End of the note.


If costing was completed without errors, the system sets the status KA (costed without errors).

If the system sets a success status, this status can prevent the step from being repeated. If, for example, you release a cost estimate, the system sets the status FR . If the cost estimate has this status, the system issues an error message if you try to release it again.

The system sets the status for each costing level. This means that you can release the costing results for specific costing levels , even though the costing run itself has the status KF .

The following are examples of costing statuses that can be set by the system:




Opened (for example, an order)


Selected without errors


Selected with errors


Costed without errors


Costed with errors


Marked without errors


Released with errors


Released without errors


Released with errors


Release through material ledger settlement