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Procedure documentationEditing Characteristic Values


  • You have selected a value assignment type for which characteristic values can be edited. To do this, the following settings are necessary in Customizing for Basic Data and Tools:

    • You have assigned a class for which characteristics have been created to the value assignment type under Specify Value Assignment Types.

    • You have created the required entries for the characteristics of the value assignment type under Set Up Table-Based Value Assignment, that is, the columns for the characteristics have not been hidden in the value assignment type.

  • If you have created new characteristics, you must execute the Match Up Value Assignment Type and Characteristic function in master data matchup so that the display of the characteristics for the corresponding value assignment types is updated.

  • In master data matchup, you must carry out the (De)Activate phrase-rltd char. function so that you can use the phrases from the corresponding phrase sets as input help when assigning values to characteristics.


  1. Choose the Value Assignments tab page.

  2. Enter the required data in the value assignment table. Note the following:

    • You can enter numerical values directly in the characteristic fields.

    • For characteristics to which phrases are assigned, you can either search generically in the characteristic field or call the input help.

    • You can use the Invert Axes (Invert Axes) function to specify whether the characteristics are displayed in the table next to each other as columns or below each other as rows. Having the characteristics arranged next to each other makes it easier for you to create a large number of instances; having the characteristics arranged below each other makes it easier for you to assign values to a large number of characteristics. In Customizing for Basic Data and Tools under Specify Value Assignment Types you can specify for each value assignment type whether you want the characteristics arranged horizontally across the table or vertically down the table when you open the value assignment type.

  3. If required, enter a number of values in multiple-value characteristics using the input help. In the value assignment table, you can also assign characteristics multiple values by using the Insert Multiple Value Assignment (Insert Multiple Value Assignment) function to add additional rows for multiple value assignment. You can recognize the characteristics to which you can assign multiple values by the lighter background of the characteristic field in the table.

    If you have assigned multiple values to different characteristics in one value assignment instance, the first value assignments of the characteristics appear in the first row, the second in the second row, and so on. This arrangement does not result in an assignment, that is, the value assignments of a characteristic with multiple values apply for the whole value assignment instance, and not the first value assignment of the characteristic for the first value assignment of the following characteristics, the second for the second of the following characteristics, and so on. If you require this type of assignment, you must create multiple value assignment instances and only assign a single value in these characteristics.

  4. Create any other value assignment instances you require. Do this by choosing Create Value Assignment Instance (Create Value Assignment Instance).

  5. Confirm your entries and check the entries the system then adds to the characteristic fields (such as units).

  6. Save your entries.

Note Note

To allow you to delete all value assignments for a value assignment type, a Delete option is available in the context menu of the property tree. You can delete only the value assignments of value assignment instances that you are authorized to access and that are not otherwise locked. If the value assignments to be deleted are assigned to a referenced specification (target specification), only the manually overwritten value assignments of the value assignment instances are deleted.

End of the note.