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 Salary Structure for Jobs (Report RHCMPJOBPLCOMP)


This report lists the planned compensation amounts assigned to jobs.


A Planned Compensation infotype (1005) record must exist for the jobs. The planned compensation for the jobs is assigned to a salary structure.



You can either run this report for all the jobs in your organization or just for the jobs in an organizational unit. If you want to run this report for a particular organizational unit, enter the root organizational unit. The system then searches for all the jobs for the positions in this organizational unit and all subordinate organizational units.


The report lists the names of the jobs in a table together with the following information per job:

  • Country grouping

  • Pay grade type and area

  • Pay grade group

  • Lowest and highest pay grade level per pay grade

  • Reference salary of pay grade

  • Minimum and maximum salary paid in a pay grade level

The currency and unit of time are the same for each job and correspond to the values that you entered on the report selection screen. If the jobs have different currencies and different units of time in their respective Planned Compensation infotype (1005) records, the system converts the values so that all the jobs have the same currency and unit of time so that you can compare them.


By clicking on the job names in the list, you can branch into the infotype maintenance for the jobs and maintain the following data: