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 Contract Distribution with Classification


You can distribute contracts among local purchasing organizations with the aid of the classification system.

Use of the classification system enables you to distribute selectively: you can ensure that contracts are only distributed to those local purchasing organizations in which they do not yet exist or to those local organizations that have been newly included in the distribution model.

By using the classification system, you can prevent contracts from being redistributed to all the local purchasing organizations stored in the distribution model (local logical systems).

By distributing via classes, you can:

  • Assign contracts to several classes if you wish to distribute contracts to several local purchasing organizations

  • Control the distribution of contracts in the distribution model via class membership, so that contracts are only distributed if they are assigned to classes



Before you can assign contracts to classes, you must maintain the following settings in Customizing for Application Link Enabling (ALE):

  1. Create a class with the class type 055 (contract class).

  2. Start of the navigation path ( Next navigation step Model and Implement Business Processes Next navigation step Configure Distribution of Master Data Next navigation step Distribution via Classes of Objects Next navigation step Maintain Classes End of the navigation path )

  3. Assign the class to the desired logical systems.

  4. Start of the navigation path ( Next navigation step Model and Implement Business Processes Next navigation step Configure Distribution of Master Data Next navigation step Distribution via Classes of Objects Next navigation step Assign Classes to Receiving Logical System End of the navigation path )

  5. Maintain the distribution model so that classes and, where appropriate, dependencies between message categories are taken into account as filters in the distribution.

Start of the navigation path ( Next navigation step Model and Implement Business Processes Next navigation step Configure Distribution of Master Data Next navigation step Distribution via Classes of Objects Next navigation step Model Distribution Using Classes End of the navigation path )

Example Example


Your filter group contains the following values:

End of the example.
  • Plant 0001

  • Plant 0002

  • Distribution via classes ( Dependent on class membership indicator)

  • Dependency of the distribution on the message category MATMAS for material master data ( Dependent distribution indicator).

There is usually a logical AND link between the filters. There is an OR link between filter objects of the same name (e.g. plant).

A contract is therefore only distributed if it is valid for plant 0001 or 0002 and is assigned to the relevant class, and if the material master data was also distributed to this local purchasing organization (i.e. to this logical system).


Assign the desired contracts to one or more classes.

You have the following options:

  • If you wish to assign a contract to classes, choose Start of the navigation path Header Next navigation step Details Next navigation step Contract Next navigation step Classify. End of the navigation path

  • If you wish to assign numerous contracts to classes, use report RCCLBI03 and the Direct Input procedure.


When distributing contracts and conditions, you can use the following functions:

  • Multiple classification

By assigning a contract to a class and a logical system, you can specify the local purchasing organizations to which the contract is to be sent.

If you wish to distribute a contract to several purchasing organizations, you can:

  • Assign several classes to the contract

  • Assign several logical systems to a class

  • Take class membership into account in the distribution

Via the distribution model, you can specify that in the distribution of contracts the local purchasing organizations to which the relevant contract is to be sent are to be determined through the class membership.

  • Distribution techniques

To distribute your contracts you can either use direct transmission or evaluate change pointers.

  • Evaluation of change pointers

If you create a new class , assign it to a logical system, and then classify a contract, change pointers are created. Following evaluation of the change pointers, the contract is then distributed only to the relevant local purchasing organization.

  • Direct transmission

If you assign a new logical system to an already-existing class, in the case of direct transmission you can specify the new logical system directly, so that the affected contracts are only distributed to the new local purchasing organization.

If you choose the class as the selection criterion when directly transmitting contracts and conditions, the local purchasing organizations to which the contract is sent are determined via the class. A prerequisite is that filtering is carried out via "class membership" in the distribution model.

If you do not enter a logical system when transmitting a contract directly, the local purchasing organizations to which the contract is to be sent are determined via the distribution model.

For more information on transmitting contracts, refer to the section Sending Contract IDocs and Condition IDocs .


Distribute the contracts (and, where applicable, the conditions) to the desired local purchasing organizations.