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 Ranking Candidates by the Search Criteria of a Search Query


You can rank candidates who are assigned to a succession plan on the basis of the weighted criteria of a search query. You must have already defined the search queries.

Note Note

From a technical point of view, search queries used for ranking differ from search queries that are used for searching for suitable candidates. Therefore, search queries cannot be used interchangeably for both purposes.

End of the note.


You have performed the Display of Assignments to Succession Plan process to obtain a list of candidates assigned to a specified succession plan .


  1. Select the Ranking Criteria tab page.

  2. Select Ranking by Search Query .

  3. Select an existing search query for the ranking or create a new search query.

  4. Choose Display Selection .

    The system calculates the ranking result for each candidate based on the weighting of the search criteria. For more information, see Ranking .

    The system shows the Ranking column in the list of candidates. All assigned candidates are sorted according to their ranking result.


On the basis of a weighted search query, you have ranked the candidates to obtain a list in which candidates are sorted according to the criteria defined in the search query. This makes it easier for you to see which candidates are most suitable to fill the job.