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 Deactivating Accrual Objects


You can deactivate an accrual object for a specific key date (deactivation date). This gives the accrual object the status Completed . This has the following consequences:

  • The accrual object is not considered in accrual runs that take place after the deactivation date. This means that there are no accruals postings for the accrual object.

  • Accruals that have already been posted are not reversed.

  • Calculated accruals from before the deactivation date are posted if you perform a periodic accrual run for this period.


You can deactivate an accrual object in both a test run and an update run.


You want to perform accruals for an amount of 12,000 USD for the period from 01/01/2003 to 12/31/2003 on a period (linear) basis. You define the accrual object with a relevant accrual type and perform the periodic accrual runs. On 03/15/2003, you deactivate the accrual object for the deactivation date 04/15/2003.

In this case, the following actions are performed:





System posts periodic accrual

1000 USD


System posts periodic accrual

1000 USD


User deactivates the accrual object for 04/15/2003 (deactivation date)


System posts the periodic accrual (since this is before the deactivation date)

1000 USD


System posts a deactivation posting based on the accrual type of the accrual object: The accruals calculated after the deactivation date (for April to December) are totaled and posted as deactivation amount.

9000 USD

In total, 3000 USD is released periodically, and 9000 USD is posted as deactivation.