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 Releasing Rental Collateral


The notice activity is only complete when any rental deposits paid by the tenant are refunded.

You use this function to release rental collateral; in other words you arrange for the automatic refund of the rental collateral to the tenant; you may also decide to withhold a certain amount as costs charged to the tenant.


Notice has been given on the contract and the inspection of the rental unit is activated.


  1. Starting from the initial screen, choose Start of the navigation path Accounting Next navigation step Real estate management Next navigation step Rental Next navigation step Tenant changeover Next navigation step Rental collateral Next navigation step Process release. End of the navigation path

  2. Enter the number of the corresponding lease out and pressENTER .

  3. Enter the release date in the Release rnt dep. field.

  4. You have several options for withholding costs when clearing a receivable from the tenant on tenant changeover.



You do not want to release a particular deposit amount

Enter the corresponding amount in the Withh. sec. dep. field

You want to post the tenant's refund or receivable

Choose Activate.

You cannot reverse the activation.

The activation does not yet generate the postings of the refund for a cash deposit. You have to make these postings manually for the time being.

The activation date is displayed in the respective field.

Activating the release sets the system status to Security deposit paid out (SECD) on the lease out.

You can now no longer reverse an activated inspection of the rental unit.

Print a deposit settlement

You can also execute bulk printing of the letters for the deposit settlement

You want to display the main contractual partner with customer account

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For details on the functions of this Financial Accounting component, choose Start of the navigation path Help Next navigation step Application help End of the navigation path in the particular function you are processing.

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