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 Searching for a Reservation Number

If you do not know the reservation number, you can search for it using various selection criteria (for example, material number and plant).

The system displays the list of selected reservation items. Here you can select the reservation items to be processed. This list contains all items that satisfy the selection criteria entered. The following items will not be included in the list:

  • items for which movements are not yet allowed

  • items marked for deletion

Items already fully issued are not preselected.

Extended selection

If you set the Ext. sel. indicator, the system displays a window in which you can enter selection criteria (plant, requirement date) and default values (storage location, "final issue" status) for the items of the selected reservations.

Adopting (Copying) Items

There are several ways to adopt (copy) the items of the reservations selected:

  • When you select Continue , the item selection screen is displayed. On this screen, you can select and process the items to be copied.

  • Choose Copy (adopt) to adopt all of the items entered. The overview screen appears.

  • Choose Copy (adopt) + Detail to adopt all of the items entered. The detail screen for the first item appears.

If the item currently displayed on the detail screen is not one that you want to be copied, you can skip that item by selecting Cancel .