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 Delete Posting Run


If you have created simulated posting runs, you can check these runs, but you can not post them. Simulated posting runs are used basically to discover any errors in the system settings for Travel Management or Accounting that could make it impossible to post posting runs successfully.

If you have created a posting run as an update run, but the system was unable to produce trip transfer documents, you can not continue to use this posting run in the system.

If you created a posting run as an update run and later rejected it, you can not continue to use this posting run in the system.

To avoid extremely long lists in posting run management, you can delete such posting runs from Travel Expenses.


  1. Choose Manage posting runs .

  2. The Posting Run Management screen appears .

  3. Select the posting run to be deleted.

  4. Choose Delete posting run .

  5. The Delete run TR <posting run number> dialog box appears.

  6. Choose Yes in the dialog box.

The system deletes the posting run and the Posting run management screen appears.


The posting run is deleted from the database.

See also:

Posting Run Rejection

Reject Posting Run