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 Flagging Purchase Requisition Items as "Closed"

An item of a purchase requisition is only regarded as Closed if the requested order quantity has been included in a purchase order.

You can also set an item to Closed manually. This item will then not be taken into account by the materials planning and control system.

You can set the Closed indicator manually at the following points (it can later be cancelled if necessary):

  • When changing a purchase requisition, on the item detail screen

  • When creating a purchase order referencing a requisition, on the item detail screen of the PO

Note Note

You can still create purchase orders by referencing a requisition if this indicator has been set in the requisition concerned.

End of the note.

The indicator can also be set in the case of automatic PO generation from purchase requisitions. On the initial screen of the requisition, you can specify that the requisition is to count as closed as soon as an associated purchase order has been generated, even if the complete quantity requested has not been ordered, for example ( Set reqs. to "closed" indicator).

See also:

Automatic Generation of POs from Requisitions