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 Batch Class Conversion Using Background Processing


You can also start conversions in background processing using the report RVBCR_CLASS_REPLACE.


Some released or canceled conversions must exist.


Usually, the system processes those conversions whose planned conversion date is:

The same as the current date

In the past

Blank (that is to say, no conversion date has been maintained)

You can enter the conversion date on the detail screen Batch Class Conversion: Details .

You can also limit the range of conversions processed using:

The conversion number(s)

You can use the F4 help to select conversions using the conversion status and material.

The conversion status


Choose ToolsABAP WorkbenchDevelopmentABAP Editor .

Enter the program RVBCR_CLASS_REPLACE.

Choose .

The Batch Class Conversion – Background Processing screen appears.

Enter the numbers of the conversions.

If you do not enter a number, then the report processes all conversions whose status matches the status of the conversions you have selected.

You select the conversions to be processed using the status.

If you want to start the conversion immediately, choose .

If you want to plan the conversion as a job, choose ProgramExecute in the Background

See also:

Converting Batch Classes

Detail Screen: Batch Class Conversion