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 Creating a LO: Creating a CLO


Lease outs to be assigned to a collective lease out must have the same main contractual partner (role 600 - tenant with customer account).


  1. Choose Start of the navigation path Lease out Next navigation step Create End of the navigation path .

  2. You branch to the initial screen.

  3. Enter your data.

  4. Enter in the Collective lease out field the required contract key.

  5. Choose the Master data function .

  6. You branch to the lease out editing function. You can recognize that the lease out you are creating is assigned to the CLO that has already been created via the Collective agreement display field.

    If you want to assign more RAs to the collective lease out, you can create them via Start of the navigation path Lease out Next navigation step Collective LO Next navigation step Create new LO End of the navigation path .

  7. For further information on editing see Editing a Lease out .


You have created a new collective lease out to which the newly created lease outs are assigned.

You can rename collective lease outs.