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Data References: Example  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


REPORT demo_data_reference.

TYPES: BEGIN OF t_struct,
         col1 TYPE i,
         col2 TYPE i,
       END OF t_struct.

DATA: dref1 TYPE REF TO data,
      dref2 TYPE REF TO data.

FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs1> TYPE t_struct,
               <fs2> TYPE i.

CREATE DATA dref1 TYPE t_struct.

ASSIGN dref1->* TO <fs1>.

<fs1>-col1 = 1.
<fs1>-col2 = 2.

dref2 = dref1.

ASSIGN dref2->* TO <fs2> CASTING.
WRITE / <fs2>.

GET REFERENCE OF <fs1>-col2 INTO dref2.

ASSIGN dref2->* TO <fs2>.
WRITE / <fs2>.

The list output is:



This example declares two data reference variables dref1 and dref2. dref1is used to create a structured dynamic data object. This is dereferenced with the field symbol <fs1>, and values are then assigned to it. dref1 is assigned to dref2. dref2then points to the structured data object. When dref2 is dereferenced, it is cast to the elementary type i of field symbol <fs2>. Its first component is assigned to the field symbol. GET REFERENCE is then used to get a reference to the second component not the structured data object in dref2. It is dereferenced without casting.




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