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  Deleting Archived Data from the Database: XML Archiving


This process describes how you delete archived data from the database during XML archiving.


  • In Archive Management, there are archiving sessions for which the delete phase is not yet complete.

  • Your Customizing settings are set to manual start of the delete jobs (see Archiving-Object-Specific Customizing: XML Archiving ).

  • You are in the Archive Administration: Initial Screen (transaction SARA ). You have entered the name of the XML archiving object in the Object Name field.


  1. Choose Delete.

    You reach the Execute Delete Program screen.

  2. Choose Test Mode if you want to execute the delete program for test purposes only. Deletion of the data is only simulated in the test mode. Data is not deleted from the database.

  3. Choose Archive Selection.

    You reach a dialog screen in which you can select the archiving sessions for which you want to delete data.

    Note Note

    In archive selection a series of collections is listed in the column Archive Path . These collections contain the resources for which the data is to be deleted from the database. Generally the name of a collection corresponds to the name of an archiving session. It is possible, however, that a collection is listed more than once, because one collection can contain several different archiving sessions. You always select the data to be deleted by choosing an archiving session .

    End of the note.
  4. Select one or several archiving sessions for deletion and choose Continue . You return to the initial screen.

  5. Under Number of Delete Jobs you enter how many delete jobs are to be executed in parallel. The number you enter means number of delete jobs per selected archiving session.

    Example Example

    You entered the number 2 under Number of Delete Jobs and in the archive selection screen you selected two archiving sessions for deletion. This means that two delete jobs will be started per archiving session. In other words a total of four delete jobs will be started.

    End of the example.
  6. Maintain the Start Date a nd the Spool Parameters .

  7. Choose Execute.


You have entered the necessary data and your delete jobs will be started in the background at the specified time. As a result all resources belonging to a specific archiving session will be deleted sequentially from the database by the delete program.